
From my point of view, I think Return to Dust(隐入尘烟) is the best movie to watch this year. I’d recommend it not only worth seeing but also reflects real life which we hard to see or experience. Of course, some people say: I’d never see it, I don’t think it’s true. After all, it’s just a literary film. But I think everyone has their reason and evidence to stand their opinion and view after watching the file.

summary of the story

Before I recommend the movie, we should take a quick look at what kind of story the movie tells. The story describes the ordinary life of two marginalized people who get married and then stick to each other. At first glance, this story does not have the dramatic conflict of traditional commercial movies, just put a bowl of boiled water in front of you. Therefore, the performance at the box office can be imagined: there are not many people, but everyone who watched it thought it is very good.

In the process of watching the movie, it reminded me of two books: one is “Ordinary World”(《平凡的世界》因为网上没找到官方英文译名,就参考谷歌给的翻译) by Lu Yao, and the other is “Alive” by Yu Hua. What the two books and films have in common is that they focus on the too mundane life in remote rural areas.
The status quo reflected in the film

As a movie released in major theaters, it is generally very difficult for no one to watch it, especially the literary and artistic ones. This is the choice of the audience and the reaction of the market. But once the creator starts to cater to the market, he becomes a slave to the market and the audience, creating for the audience, losing his style and the soul of the filmmaker.
personal feelings

As I said before, the whole movie is actually very bland after watching it, and people who don’t even have relevant feelings will find it more boring and boring. But isn’t our real life just like that? Most of the time, it is ordinary and boring, and it may shine at a certain moment or stage, like a shooting star across the sky in our hearts.

Some people say that we should not overplay suffering, and they are right. But it is precisely because there are many sufferings in reality that we dare not look at directly, and there are many movies and other works that tell us what’s suffering and how to face it.


服务器一开始本来是抱着玩玩的心态买了一个月,年初的时候才真正把这个用上来的时候才真正开始发挥它的用处。搭建博客是年初刚好在给人上课的时候为了演示而自己折腾搞了一下,没想到能坚持做了差不多一年( lol )。期间也曾多次想着干脆摆烂等过期不续费算了,后面发现,有自己的博客就有了自己的一块自留地,不会受限于平台限制,就接着做下去了,期间没少过断更,这确实是个合格的鸽子了。

后面来吧,发现某方面的学业需要,有了博客维护经验,发现学习学业相关方面的时候非常得心应手,就开始主动的去折腾去维护,踩的坑可能比和我同时期的另一位博主还要多,服务器也炸了不少次,重置不少次,确确实实学到了不少东西 ( 因为当初经验不足,丢了上半年的大部分博客 )。毫不夸张的说,没有博客可能我的大学生涯会是比较无趣的吧,因为除了吃饭睡觉上课打电动,也就偶尔的会去学点东西,我自己其实是知道的,学的东西其实不多,而且缺乏一定的方向性和积极性,推荐啥就学啥。

到现在,不敢说自己非常擅长维护,但是一般的问题还是能迅速解决的,只能说是入门了,因为还是无法自主解决数据库方面的问题,完全依托手动备份。不过现在见到出现问题是比较兴奋的,因为又可以学习新的东西了( 什么自虐狂.jpg )。服务器维护的最好方式备份+没有问题千万不要乱动( doge )。

博客现在高质量的内容其实没有多少,跟那些b站,知乎啥的完全没法比较。但是因为是个人博客,其实无所谓这些的,维持我持续写博客的动力还是最初那个想法—-能有自己的想法,畅所欲言,因为我就是平台 ( 乐 )。不过我觉得现在博客最有个人风格和价值估计也就只有思考那个分类里的文章了,毕竟那个确确实实是自己的真实想法,一个一个字敲出来的。用户完全零增长,流量啥的完全没有,可能现在将近700的访问量,我自己就贡献了500。正如前言所说,本来就是自留地,没啥推广出圈或者流量变现的必要,也没这个实力(粉丝完全0增长)。





2年前我推荐的宝藏频道,现在变成什么样了? | LKs https://youtu.be/M-s0gvLe9Aw